When your teen packs for university, you must have a game plan. You don’t want to leave anything out. The checklist you make will depend on the type of housing your teen chooses. Some students stay in a dorm, while others opt for private accommodations. Regardless of the accommodation type, there are a few key things to remember.
First, it’s essential to pack a first aid kit. This can include plasters, a thermometer, and pain killers, for example. Also, it’s a good idea to have an eye mask and earplugs!
Another thing to consider is your teen’s bed. Most halls of residence provide a single standard-size bed but you’ll need to supply them with fresh bedding and pillows. In addition, many students will require additional storage drawers for extra toiletries, stationery and personal belongings. If your teen is planning to take a lot, consider hiring a van to avoid multiple trips. Find out about Van Hire Bristol by visiting Autolyne, a leading Van Hire Bristol company.
Aside from the items you might typically need for college, it would help if you also had some snacks to help keep your teen energized during the long study days. If your teen has a mini fridge, you can stock it up before term begins.
You’ll also need to consider the climate they’ll be staying in. For instance, if they are moving to a place with cold winters and hot summers, you should buy clothes for the appropriate weather.
It’s wise to look at the area surrounding your teen’s campus. Depending on the time of year, there may be some special activities that your teen might enjoy. While visiting, you can check out the local parks, restaurants, and libraries.
Getting ready for your teen’s first year move-in day can be a stressful and emotional experience, but it can be made easier with the proper planning. These few tips will help your teen’s transition go smoothly.
Also, remember to remind your teen to register with the nearest GP surgery on arrival at university so you can rest assured that should they have any medical problems, they can receive access to healthcare services.
Some great advice for parents of new first-year students is to avoid being too controlling. Even though you may be tempted to pack and check every detail frantically, you need to step back. During this time, your teen is learning to take responsibility for their own choices. As long as you keep these ideas in mind, you’ll be able to celebrate your teen’s accomplishments without feeling overwhelmed.