Hobbies can offer enjoyment but some pastimes, such as crocheting, can help combat anxiety and depression while relieving stress and promoting relaxation. This form of crafting is great for your health and more and more people are taking up crocheting as it becomes an increasingly cool art for the younger generation.
Crocheting is different to knitting
There is one main difference that makes crocheting much easier than knitting. When you knit, you require one pair of needles to create the loops, moving them from one needle to the other. One single hook is needed for crocheting which means some crafters enjoy it more.
You can create almost anything out of crocheting
It’s a common misconception that only hats, scarves and blankets can be crocheted to create that winter warmth. In fact, you can also make decorative objects, toys and purses and inexpensive gifts through crocheting.
Relax and enjoy streaming shows while crocheting
Once you have developed your skills, you can take on some multitasking! Choose a favourite television series to watch while crocheting and enjoying a cup of tea in the evening. Who doesn’t love that?
It’s a portable hobby that can travel with you
A crochet hook and your yarn is all that is needed, so your hobby is fully portable. You can take your project on a bus journey, to a coffee date with friends, on the plane, or even to the park. According to the Financial Times crochet is no longer just a hobby but it is now considered a sophisticated and fashionable pastime. Crochet Kits offer everything you need to get started and are on sale from a variety of specialists such as woolcouturecompany.com/collections/crochet-kits.
Join a group for friendship and fun
Many crafters of the older generation may struggle with isolation, and being able to join a group is a great way of improving one’s quality of life. Crocheting also keeps the fingers nimble and the brain fit and agile. Many choose to come together with like-minded people to work collectively in a relaxing environment.
It gives you the opportunity to start a side business
Some people find that crocheting gives them an enjoyable side business. From selling items at craft stalls and markets to blogging or selling designs online, it is possible to turn it into a viable business. Entrepreneurs can sell designs to magazines or even work with yarn companies.