The chilly weather has arrived, and as the clocks go back it is definitely time to get our wardrobes and ourselves ready for the cold winter months ahead. Life changes during the winter and making sure that our wardrobes reflect the changes to the way that we live means that we can remain stylish and comfortable throughout these chilly months – after all wrapping up warm doesn’t mean that we have to abandon our sense of style!
The first thing to do before you hit the shops however is have a good sort out of your wardrobe – as the seasons change there will be clothes that you might want to put away for next year that are impractical for this time of the year, and you will also have a chance to go through all of your clothes and sort out the ones that you no longer want. If they are in good condition, you could donate them to charity, or if you want to make some money to go towards Christmas or some new clothes, then you could sell them – there are many good ways to sell clothes second-hand online. If they are past their best, you can take them to be recycled, there are many places that offer this service.
Once you have completed the big sort out, the fun can begin. When looking for winter clothes, remember that although the emphasis is on things that will keep you warm and dry, look for things in styles that are your own. Social media can be a great help here, especially if you are feeling a bit stuck in a style rut or have lost your way and want to give yourself a bit of a modern makeover – there are many inspirational outfit ideas on platforms such as Instagram, so have a look and see what sorts of things appeal to you.
As well as the sorts of clothing styles that you like, it is also important to consider your body shape – what looks good on one person may not be the best look for another, as we are all different of course. Look at how clothes fit different shapes and work out your own body shape and what looks good and most importantly what makes you feel good about yourself and comfortable.
Once you have done this it is time to hit the shops – try to choose quality over quantity. A good quality capsule wardrobe with brands like Superdry menswear will last longer than lots of fast fashion items, and also the environmental impact will be much lower. This is also a good opportunity to try on different things and see in the flesh what works well for you. Going with a list of the things that you want is also a good idea as it will prevent you from making rash choices when you are there and returning with lots of clothes that you don’t really need!